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only got to say boo & I'll jump. I feel like something the cat's dragged home. Never have I seen so many amusing incidents crowded into one day.

The boys are new to the troops. After having to contend with those dispreputable wogs [?] they find these angels in comparison. They're doing a grand job and we have our heroes.

I daresay I'll be moving up again in a few hours time so darling excuse this apology of a letter. The tumult will soon die down. I'll write perhaps a little more intimately then. Be patient as you must be pet.

I plucked a wild flower to press out on the track this morning. I'll send it in my next letter.

My State Insurance premiums are due for payment hance. Mum forgot to give me the book when I was home, but I wrote a few weeks ago asking her to post it on to you. I generally pay 3 months ahead (12/3 I think). If Mum hasn't mailed you the book I think the Office could give you a receipt nevertheless. I hate it to lapse.

I'll close, my precious, and offer you all the love any man could bestow on such a lovely couragous wife. My thoughts are ever with you & my hopes are many.
Cheers darling.
Your loving yearning husband
Allan xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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