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had against her. I told her nothing & she had always been nice to me. Now for more family affairs, she asked me why one person should be more proud than another, & couldn't I find any pleasure in humbling myself. She said I passed Hazel that time I told you about, & I also slighted your mother in the bus. Your mother was on my bus about a week ago & said hello to me very friendly when I got in. Before the journey was over I was sitting in front of her & didn't like to turn around & speak as I thought if she wanted to talk to me she could have tapped me on the shoulder. Phylis told me your mother up till that time was quite prepared to bury the hatchet, (what hatchet I wanted to know) & she told me she probably had some grievencies regards me & that my manner wasn't all it should have been. Alan have you been writing to Phylis about the situation, she says you blame your mother for the trouble. Alan in her opinion I am to blame by all accounts, maybe I am from her point of view, but I can't fathom it all out. If she thinks I am bad well then it is not for you or I to tell her I'm not, its true what she says, time will tell. I suppose I am too proud, but they have me all wrong, they have not the slightest idea what I am like. By the way Phyllis speaks they seem to think I am too proud. I am not bitter about it all, but to me they seem to think I am no good & no girl would like that.

Darling please don't worry over me, or don't let it worry you, I will go home with you when you comehome & probably in time things will right themselves. If I was to go there now, there might be words that could never be forgiven.

I might go out & see Hazel & perhaps take Phyllis to a show one night, there is no doubt about it. Phyllis has a heart of gold. I said I would never mention this affair again but I had to Alan darling.

My jumper is looking nice, I have half finished the back.

From next week till Xmas we are going to have 3/4 of an hour for lunch instead of 1 1/4 hours & one day a week each girl in turn can knock off at 2:15 for Xmas shopping.

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