will never forget that day. I have never been so frightenend, I was imagining all kinds of things were going to happen to me, I was trembling with fright. I tasted blood in my mouth & thought it was going to come oozing through my nose. I am going to take you down there some time, you havn't had a chance to reply to my letter asking you would you like to go down to Lismore.
I am baking your cake this week & sending you a Xmas parcel so you can be expecting them my darling.
You know to-day I bought you another song book & also bought the previous one I sent you so I could look up the words of "Green Eyes". Darling they are lovely, this is one I would like to sing to you (if I could sing).
"Your till the stars have no glory! Yours till the birds fail to sing! Yours to the end of life's story, this pledge to you dear, I bring! Yours on the grey of December, here or on far distant shores! I've never loved anyone the way I love you! How could I? When I was born to be just Yours."
The words are in the song book I sent you, Alan it is just the way I feel & I write those lines from the book, but it is the song of my heart.
Phyllis came in to see me again yesterday, you know Alan she has me worried. She had Little Merle with her, she's growing up into a lovely little girls. Phil came to ask me to go to a Sunday School anniversary at their church to-night. Alan you know how I dislike those things & I told her I didn't want to go as I never went out much. Alan she was really offended, I think, as the conversation then drifted on & she asked me what I
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