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Brittania Street,

My Own Darling,

No letter from you for days but you told me to expect that, I have prepared myself for a long spell, & am trying to avoid disappointments. I don't look for letters when I get home, it is an exceptionally lovely surprise when Mum tells me there is a letter.

Dad is working overtime again to-night, Mum is busy polishing silver. Stan is studying, he is going for scholarship, & May is writing to Jeff. We are all busy.

I put in for my leave to-day darling, 14 days as from the 6th December. It is due this month & I feel like a good holiday. I am staying home as I don't feel like wasting money on a holiday without you, I prefer to save it till we go together. I am going to have a very quiet holiday & am looking forward to the rest. May wanted me to go to Southport but I told her I didn't want to spend the money, May & Mum laugh at me, they tell me I will have a hook nose by the time you come home, I am getting so ikey.

I lost 8/6 in the Melbourne Cup on Saturday 3/- in sweeps & I put 5/6 on Precept, Dad had a good tip about him, but he came in fourth. It was last Melbourne Cup day I had my head split open down at the Heads, I was taken to hospital just before the race was about to be run & everybody cursed me, they had all planned to listen in. I

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