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vistas from Tambourine lookout. The grandeur 2,000 ft of elevation givest multiply that fourfold - & exhilaration is accompanied with awe. Variety is the spice of life & love the very essence. Heaven give us both.

I regret I can't get any more films to make a photo record for four allum. A talented young artist made me accept a portrait he'd painted of my personal boy. I would have paid pound for it but he wouldn't accept a cent. Gosh; I was thrilled. Done in watercolours it's the boy's living likeness. I admire it continually & Kuatinmera [?] covets it. Soon as I have to go afield I'll post it to you. Meanwhile I want to comprehend + study its excellence.

Keep only a few of my coupons pet. Then when I'm due back in Queenslad I may get you to post them on in case I need some.

You may gather from my subsequent letters I changed my mind about

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