waiting I don't like.
Bella shouldn't have conceived again so soon. But if I were [...] I'll have her keep it, unless he wants to risk her becoming sterile. Help can so easily become interference. I'm more than sure Horm's only potential & present happiness is in his children.
A sudden squall has blown up. The air on the shore like is really delightful. I wake each morning at 3 and pull the blankets around me. Even now with the rain it's still mildly cold and invigorating.
At dawn I saw two turtles floundering below off the eager sharp rocks. They're difficult buggars to catch.
There are one or two proverbs in the woods, so each night before retiring I lie out on the cliffs for an hour & contemplate the stars so to speak. It's cool & peaceful & makes me feel so contented & meditative. I want to sing. So I say "what the hell!", & go right ahead. I find too, I sing well when no one's listening, except of course a few natives who can't very well complain. Schools of fish and an occasional shark leave behind a luminous wake of cold green phosphorus as they swim below. It
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