I did expect to be in some wretched, fetid spot today instead of enjoying this freedom & beauty. But something turned up and changed those plans. I don't mind. Instead I'm away from the old hot spot. The spasmodic concussions of our time-honoured neighbours ^the arty, take some getting used to. I'll bet they were noisy as kids. You know, the spoilt little beggars you find betting kerosene tins on Sunday mornings.
Jeff wrote me yesterday. His letters take as long as yours to arrive. He came through with a whole skin. I'll bet May's thankful. I wouldn't be surprised to meet him again in this part of the world. Who knows? I hope though, they get leave.
Practically all of my old unit are in these parts. I promised to pay them a visit. M.J. is 2 i.c. and he's having a wonderful life. He's not left Moresby since he returned from leave and isn't ever likely to. Some people have it cosy.
I wear 8 size shoes pet. Soon as I get my hands on a tape measure I'll check on that collar size. 17th: Mervyn Montag blew in last night, and it's likely will go off on some work together. I'm expecting a posting to some brigade any hour. There's a nervous tension about
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