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My June Bride, My Darling,

Never have I written anyplace as lovely as this. There are no sandy stretches of beach but even so, this is Noosa all over again. The Devil's Cauldron gurgles & boils below my 'flat', its surge rouses me in the morning and hushes me to sleep at night. I've set up my old travelling case right on the edge of the hole. I haven't felt a seabreeze for weeks past cooped up in those steamy forest ovens. how I'm filling my lungs with ozone with interest. The cliffs are honeycombed with deep caves, so Dojo bring out your sneak raiders. Regatta day has no thrill this place hasn't nor Dunkirk - only in reverse.

The pastel shades this sea contains in a way reminds me of the coloured liquid displayed in jars in a chemists window display. For all its beauty it's got its sinister aspect these jagged cliffs. The blood's barely washed off them yet. They concealed the sniper Sony fell to - not far from where I'm sitting

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