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I really didn't want to take the step. Now I can honestly say I am wonderfully happy & I don't wish to go out at nights as you thought I would. I don't miss shows & dances they seem so unimportant compared with my career as your wife. My whole heart & sould are wrapped up in you & my thoughts are with you day & night. You might wonder how I put in my evenings, when I don't write to you I am sewing or knitting & everything I do is for when you come home, I have no desire for good times as most of the girls around town are having. You were right when you said I would still be asked out, a couple of the chaps at work have asked me, but you need never worry Alan, I never wish to go. It wasnt Jay darling, in case you are suspicious of him, by the way, he is comtemplating marriage with a Brisbane girl. Darling I think girls who marry yanks are crazy, working with them you find out lots of things about them, they way they talk about the women folk they are taking out, some living with women & keeping them. One chap confided in me, he brought a girl up from Melbourne, she came from a poor family so he kept her. He said he was engaged to her, he was giving her £14 a week & put £200 in her bank account & found she was sharing her room with another man, so he sent her back to Melbourne. He then confided he had been married & divorced back home. I wonder about the divorcee, there are three of four in our building claiming to be divorced, of course they are all considering marrying an Australian girl. The girls are crazy to throw themselves at them the way they do.

Alan darling I am really thrilled about being married to you, I havn't regretted it, destiny took my life

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