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Brittania Street,
14th Nov. 1943.

My Dearest Beloved Husband,

How I wish you were here to-night darling, it is Sunday night, I would love to be lying in your arms listening to the Sax play, remember those Sunday nights? We will spend more beautiful evenings in the privacy of our own little home later on, just you & I in a house & a bed all to ourselves.

I told you when I wrote earlier in the week I thought I would go to a dance with Olive last night, Saturday, instead I stayed home by myself & turned in about 7.30, I was so tired. Mum & Dad went to Kennedys & so did May, I didn't feel like going to the dance & I didn't think I could sit a show out. You know what I am like in the pictures when I am tired, it is a waste of money my going. I turned in early & lay & thought about you until I dozed off, you know I love you & want you a lot.

Alan you can be expecting your cake for Xmas, I am sending it this week. I didn't know my making you a cake meant so much to you. I am sorry darling I disappointed you in September. I didn't forget my promise but at the time I was staying in town, & one thing after another cropped up that prevented me from making it until it was too late for your birthday. I sent your watch through Wallace Bishop during the week, so you can also be expecting that.

I pray my darling you are still safe & well, I do worry over you a lot, I guess that won't help matters at all though. I am looking after myself for you Alan dear, I would certainly hate to think of you as a batchelor now. Really I can't make out now why I was so scared of marriage

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