From No. Q52 Name Lieut AE Hooper
Unit. Angau New Guinea Forces
Date November 14 1943
My Darling Beloved Wife,
A letter canna look, and pray, and beg, and beseech, as the human voice can to the human heart. It's agony having to write when I might be there with you. I read a very good story after the style of "The Road Back". This officer's philosophy was 'the greatest success in life is not so much,' "To win", but to play in bad hand will'. So darling I won't give up hope. Your wonderful spirit helps, and such a flood of letters gives me no chance to ever feel lonely, unappreciated, or despondent. Also more came with yesterdays post, Nance. When I came back from the days work I was in a boiling rage over someones stupity and an accumulation of outrages. So I left your letters till this morning & appreciated them all the more. Today's Sunday, but it means little to us. I personally have gone on a one man strike. This morning there was far
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