are you? The more isolated we are at Binna Burra, the better I will like it. I just want you all to myself.
I am going to see Joan one week end, she must be expecting her baby in a couple of months. She was so thrilled about it Alan, she made me really envious at the time, I was wishing I was in the same boat. Joan & I got the cuts to-gether at school when we were in 7th Grade for playing ox's in an English exam, we were sitting to-gether. Our teacher was so disgusted he sent us around to Mr Morton to be chastised, but Morton bough out his cane instead. On the way around Joan starte to cry & ducked into the ladies toilet & I followed trying to convince Joan he wouldn't cane us. Imagine my surprise when he brought down his cane on Joan first, she moaned & ran outside crying & I laughed so I got two. Dear old school days, we were laughing about it when I met her.
Remember that green wool I bought at Alan & Starks with you one day, I have started knitting it for when you come home. I have a lovely pattern.
Jan is getting bigger every day, he seems too old fashioned in his ways for 18 months. May's keeping better now, & by the way, my head is almost better, thank goodness. I have no complaints now.
The Melbourne Cup is being run to-morrow. I have drawn a couple of horses here, but I can't remember their names.
We are going over to Gibsons to night for a game of Tripoli. I don't want to go but you know how it is, you can't offend people. I would prefer to go to bed & dream of you, with my eyes open, not closed.
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