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Your scalp will never heal while you keep scratching it pet. Get some Friars Balsamor something from the Chemist to dry it up I think you must have a nerve rash. Yet, I'm afraid you do need your husband. He'd love to make you well again. Repression is responsible for more than a few nervous disorders. What you've said in jest is probably the truth my sweet.

Now it's almost too dark to see to write. I must try to continue whenever there's a few hours to spare again.

I love you ever as deeply & I pray you are soon rid of those annoying little complaints. I'm pretty virile again but tired out by sleepless nights. Try to dismiss any of those worries I cause you, and together we'll hope for a miracle. I'll sing a few songs while my spirits are still high. I'll sing them to you my darling. Please Nance excuse any omissions. I'll answer your letters next time. Enchanting love,

Your loving adoring husband
AE Hooper Lieut x x x x x x x x

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