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I can't even get into a base area up here. They must imagine I thrive on hardship.

Anyway my O.C. doesn't want me around base. I upset his assumed dignity. But believe me my eyes are open & I've no love for this work.

I can't see myself entering a Government position in New Guinea after the war. There's too little pay, too much snobbery, and it's too orderly a life. Big money is only made by the companies. It's much too early to tell what's what.

I wrote Ailsa asking her to send our ring to me by post. She knows not to lose it and she's decided to leave the choice of her ring to her husband to be. I too have a little sentiment. It grows on you doesn't it?

No, you hadn't mentioned Iris's marriage before. I guess I dont' know her husband. You know pet there is more inconsistencies in development than a girl would ever know. A man's physique is no criterion. So she may not be the optimist you think she is, but it's a dangerous risk.

Jeff told me that rather clever joke & I laughed helplessly. You must send me a telegram like that sometime.

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