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I imagine you look beautiful with your neck length hair style. Say! I'd just love to have it tumbling about my shoulders. I'd keep it out of my eyes you may be sure. "For I have eyes to see with And they see only you."

You should have to pay a forfeit for spying on me while I had to watch where I was driving. Sweet summer I'll collect it too, the moment I get back. That lovely confession left fall a flood of memories. Remember darling, how passionately sweet your kisses fell, how lingering your caresses as we drove along on the Tambourine Highway? I was all but tempted to throw discretion to the winds and ravish you there. Remember the peaceful lonliness at the lookout? Even as your finace, I couldn't but feel completely happy & now marriage has enhanced the revered memory.

My heart fell to worshipping you from the time I woke till I dropped off to sleep at night. I never thought any day was long enough. Take the night at the Bluff when we

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