Lieut A Hooper
New Guinea Forces
November 8'43
My darling June Bride,
Each of your letters fills me with fresh desires. Something inside me responds to your flavour of passion in it's a grand experience. Only Shelley's poetry or some inspiring rhapsody excited my imagination with so much ecstacy [sic]. It's almost Heavenly to read of a bride's devotion and feel in husband's pride. For an hour or more I belong to another world. In world of dreams and hopes I feel as exhilirated as a dreamer on a mountain peak, where before I felt depressed and defeated as a swamp dweller. Love is a state of mind and I'm thinking you've a lovely mind, my honey.
They're golden memories you recalled to my mind. I don't forget many of the wonderful incidents that make my leave so gloriously happy, but it's when you refer to them in your ingenious way that I tast again the elation and upright of it all. Those memories are half yours and it almost seems they elude me until you stimulate them. [...] darling, I cannot have happiness unless you give it to me
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