you bought the articles, yourself. I hope to by some nice things for you too, I know just what you should wear.
I met Olive on Saturday night, I was on Wynnum Cent., station waiting for Mum & Dad, we were going to the Star, & who should come off the train but the four McFarlane girls. They have all grown up now, I can't get over the way the youngest has grown. Olive tells me Beatie is in love with an American, he is an Italian, I don't know how Beatie could fall in love with him. Trevor was away for six weeks, out of Townsville, but he is back again and all going well they are being married in January. They wanted me to go to the dance with them but I wanted to see Deanna Durbin in "The Amazing Mrs. Holiday". I said I might go next Saturday night, I never go anywhere I will be getting stale. They asked me down for a week-end, so next time I work on a Sunday I will have two days off the following week-end & go down. I like down there. You are right, they arn't very brainy but are good at heart, the whole lot of them. At present they are all helping on the farm, land army girls.
If any geisha girl climbs into bed along side of you, I will feel like declaring war on the geisha girls. Yes, it is jolly ghastly, it make me shudder. What happened to her? May as well as myself, is very curious. Is she a prisoner or did they let her go, tell me.
I am pleased Merv Marley is with you, two brand new husbands, you will be able to console one another. Do
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