2. (212)
I know I am going to like it.
I will send you some more parcels now I know you are getting them. I also collected your watch, it cost £1 to have repaired, they are making up for lost time. Don't you think that was a lot? I also have mine, it is keeping good time. Your friend from Wallace Bishops is sending yours for me.
You know I have thought up some lovely names for our 20 children. Do you like these? Lynetter, Lenore, Althea, or Jeanette, I told you a boy's name, Gary. I like Gary & Lynette perhaps Lynn for short, do you like it, Lynette Hooper? I havn't for gotten Juleen, I am crazy, arn't I? If you hear any boys names you like, remember them for me. They are not going to be called just anything.
I don't know the words of "Green Eyes", but I will find out what they are. I would love you to sing it to me.
I am pleased to hear Owen is feeling better. You say he dosn't mention Margarets name now. He must have felt rotten when she married that is if he loved her. Margaret is the type any man could love & would, she surprised everybody when she married. I beleive [sic] her husband is 10 years older than her, he is an R.A.A.F Officer. I am going over to see her one day goodness knows when. I will leave it till I get my holidays as I never find time at week-eds. I can't imagine Margaret a mother, can you? May said she is looking lovlier now than she has even seen her look.
Alan darling, you said after the war you would like to replace my wardrobe with Chinese silks. I didn't think you would realise how much I would like that, I would simply love it, especially if
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