Brittania Street,
6th Nov, 1943.
My Own Darling Husband,
It is Monday afternoon and I am stuck for something to do. It has just started to rain heavily and I am beginning to feel cold. I would like to be snuggled on a bed with you darling, is that they way you feel on rainy days?
You will be pleased to hear the photo of your boy arrived on Friday, it didn't take long. Alan it gave me a start when I opened it up. I don't know what I expected to find, but he sure gave me a start. You would have laughed at Jan, he was just terrified of it. He was sitting opposite me at the table and I held it up for him to see, he looked for a couple of seconds & you should have seen his face change. There was fear written all over his face. Later in the evening he picked it up, his curiosity was getting the better of him. It didn't take him long to put it down again & run to May screaming, so I didn't show it to him again till yesterday & he was much braver & would actually carry it around to show it to Mum & Dad.
My holidays are due Alan. Our leave accumulates like it would if we were in the army. At Xmas I have 17 days due to me. After 8 months we are due for a fortnight & my 8 months are up now. I havn't decided when I will take them.
I am just longing for you to come home. You know I was thinking over the week-end how I would like to take you down to Lismore. I was up at the Dispensary on Thursday & the Sgt there told me he was going to Lismore for a week, he was travelling by service car. I will leave it to you though, we can go to Lismore another time if we don't go on your next leave. If it is wet weather Lismore would be better than Binna Burra, wherever we go I know we will have a marvelous time. Don't shave your moustache off.
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