From No. Q52 Name Lieut AE Hooper
Unit Angau New Guinea Forces
Date Nov. 1st 1943
My Darling Wife,
home makes life worth living despite the environment, or should I say your love. I can imagine the despair were I a batchelor. It wouldn't be pretty unless you were totally 's ignorant of romance.
I feel now much the same elation as the day I walked away from the pedal- dentist's chair with six new fillings. It's an intense relief & you feel a certain 'lift'. This must be the rain season here. For days I've been continually wet, though now I'm ensconced in a rude shack that's home. Quite a contrast to our room at the Canberra pet. Grass roof head-high, a sea of mud we call a road, an occasionall invasion of a sow & her family, & the wails & shatter of refugee tribes. It's all part of the scenery. Seems I'll never break away from family life. I love to see babies even if they are black. One in particular fascinated me. It's a chubby, winsome girl of a few months . Its parents
are the most hansome [sic], virile type I've yet
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