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satisfy their animal like passions. I look at the men working around me, and I know there isn't one who would feel any shame at taking any woman down. They make fun and jeer at everything a woman hold sacred to her. Of course Alan darling you are excluded from my little display of temper and disgust above, as I told you before I believe and trust in you and always have. You have no need to assure me about your ideals, I know without being told you are mine and all mine, just as well I trust you so implicitly because I am so frightfully jealous. If you ever touched another woman I would never want to see you again, but I have no fear or doubts about you.

May has been sick again, she sufferes from antrim trouble, and it has been giving her a lot of trouble the past couple of days. I think perhaps it may have been the wet weather, we have had a lot of rain. Mrs.Kennedy wants her to have radium treatment for it, I don't know
what she intends doing. She definately won't have an operation, I don't know of one that was successful.

By the way darling you should be jealous, a little man is fascinated with my knees. There is a game he plays with me alone, he sits me on a chair lifts my frock above my knees and scrambles on to my knee. He does this time and time again and if I dare go away he come after me, takes me by the hand and leads me back to the chair. He is growing lovlier every day, he has a lovely laugh. I would be a real bad Auntie Nancy if Uncle Jay was home, you would be mad at me for playing with him so much (spoiling him as you call it), and he would be mad at me for not playing.

Mrs. Kennedy is utterly disgusted, Bella thinks she is going to have another baby. Mrs. Kennedy says she is going to take little Norm and look after him, he is only nine months old. Last time Mrs.Kennedy would have done anything for Bella to get rid of it, but now, they were going to take him to court if he didn't marry her, and this time she can't do enough herself to get rid of it. I think Norm was tricked into that marriage, don't you? Poor Mrs. Kennedy must worry about it.

Well my darling I am going to close now as it is time to go home. I still love you with all my heart my darling, keep loving me the way you do.

Yours for ever and ever
Nancy xxxxx.

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