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c/- Mrs. S.O'Neill,
Brittania Street,
26th October, 1943.

My Own Precious Husband,

I received a beautifully written letter from you last night your letters are so few and far between they mean ever to much more to me when I eventually do get one.

You didn't say anything about your illness so I gather you are completely over it by now. I know just how dreadful that can be up there, you must have had a bad time.

The letter I received last night was written on the 19th October, and it is now only the 26th so it didn't take long to come down. I hope I receive them more frequently now you are able to write again, as that is all I have to keep me happy. I love getting letters from you, but I don't get many. May gets one almost every second day, at least two or three a week, but I guess Jeff hasn't as much to do as you have. Forgive me darling but I do fell a little neglected at times, I am spoilt, arn't I?

I might go to a show to-night. You say you are going to try and push your way into one up there, I hope you manage to get in darling. Remember that last picture we saw together, "Seven Sweethearts", I have been to the Metro a couple of times since, and I couldn't take my eyes or mind off that seat in the back row of the Lounge. Darling the way you looked at me, it just thrills me through and through to think of it. You are a grand lover my darling. Do you remember that show? I don't think you saw much of it.

No, I don't think you are over sentimental raving about the natives singing, I only wish I was there with you listening to them. You have told me so much about it now, I can imagines how beautiful it must be. I agree with you, a man who loves music is a happy soul and knows no hatred or unworthy thoughts. I too love music although I show no talent, I can't even sing. I was listening to the Hawain session over the air on Sunday, and I enjoyed it so much I envied them being able to play like that. I would like to be able to play, one of these days I might take it up. By the way darling our children are going to be able to sing like you I pray, and if they are fortunate enough, I am going to have their voice trained. You have a lovely voice darling although you don't give it much credit. Even although it was raining cats and dogs the night we drove down to Sandgate, I enjoyed that drive because you were singing, so you see darling there is someone who appreciated your good voice.

Yes, I was hoping you would comment on the jitterbug, you gave me a fright for a moment I thought you were going to forget it, it is really artistic and expressive, you don't mean to tell me you don't like it. It is too bad we havn't a clutchem alley around our dance halls, as one would cool off by the time they got home. I am only teasing so don't get mad at me.

You did shock me regards the young boys, I hate to believe men black or white would stoop so low. You tell me I am cynical regards men, do you blame me, they stoop so low how could I feel any other way towards them. Most men conduct themselves like animals, but still expect their women to remain pure and sweet, most of them would corrupt any womans morals to

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