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Thanks for sending my watch for repairs. I'm lost without it. I found the missing link but later mislaid it. A leather band will have to suffice. Keep the gold in case it can be replaced some day.

I hope after the war to replace much of your wardrobe with eastern silks. You'd love that wouldn't you. You tell me I'll like your new kimino. I'm sure of it. You don't have to try very hard to make yourself desirable or tempting. But it does rouse my manly instructs to see lovliness made yet lovlier.

Binna Burra next Autumn, yes? Sounds better'n Paris in the Spring does it not? That day willl dawn & overshadow even our first exciting tho' austere honeymoon.

Goodnight my darling. I'll be back to find you more excitingly lovely than ever. All my love

Your loving husband
Alan x x x x x
x x x x x
AE Hooper Lt.

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