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years. Then the desire is mutual. That I guess is what some call coincidence and others telepathy. The time you wrote so did I, on the subject.

I must write and tell you of my religious views some time later. At my tender age I have no fixed ideas, & as I recognise good in some line of thought I cling to it. Otherwise I'm guided entirely by conscience. I believe in prayers because even if after all there is no God (I believe there is) to hear them, for once, you are capable of a little introspection & self criticism. You find yourself in doing so, and are more a man or woman for it. To occasionally humble yourself is to admit human weakness which is the only way we hope our descendants to reach ultimate perfection.

The majority of N.G ites excluding missionaries are atheists. We have spirited debates on the subject. I disagree too much with the inconsistencies of narrow minded & anaemic tone of our churches to ever call myself any denomination. Perhaps I'm a lot too harsh in my criticism, for there's no two preachers alike.

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