consolation. Try to believe or reason with yourself all your worrying will not do me one wit of good. I wish you could share my optimism. Try to. It's the most effective antidote. Isn't it silly if a person has one chance in a hundred of dying, to worry. Wouldn't it be saner to feel happy knowing chance is so greatly in my favour & things could be immeasurably more futile? I leave it to you. You are courageous in my eyes but essentially a woman at heart. Your guess was only half right when you wrote but now it is to be all right. 'Smelly hole."
I'm all sympathy for your little troubles an infected leg is no joke. I do hope it gets quickly better. I'm a bush doctor myself nowadays. There's little danger of fatal infections with sulpha drugs available. But you wouldn't want to feel like 'death warmed up' just to cure a hindrance. Yes, it's a dangerous habit to interfere with skin eruptions.
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