exaggerated fears for my safety. Now darling I'm particularly immune to unpleasant dreams in that respect. But not more than 6 months ago I dreamt with frightful persistence you had passed me over callously. I do think it's a natural anxiety. May I help you with your fears? Most troops are incurably optimists. It's an exception when a man confides "I'm not coming back, Goodbye". Most have a superstitious fear of shaking hands. They prefer to say "I won't shake hands - I'll probably see you anow". They know how thin their chances are. Much as I hate moving up again I feel no more than just nervous. I won't be shell dodging & the area's comparatively quiet. In this area there's no pressure of work & I'm slightly conscience stricken. On the whole it's a great war to we more fortunate ones. Honestly there's no danger in my work worth considering. You say you pray for my safety. Prayers should be a
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