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always believed & trusted in & always will. The more I think about it the more convinced I am we were meant for each other. Alan I don't think of you as any ordinary person, you are the finest man I know, you have qualities most men lack & are so important, I admire you darling & love you. I will never let you change your opinion about me, I will never let myself go. I never will hurt you again intentionally, I will always give you the best in me darling & you are worthy of it, I couldn't be too good to you ever.

As for the American, personally I couldn't be bothered with them, they are nice to talk & laugh with but apart from that they are empty & I wouldn't place my trust in them as I have no faith in them. I am wide awake my darling, no man will ever put anything over me, you are my one & only man now, & I am proud of you & beleive in everything you do & say. You say broken ideals or shattered dreams take a long time to build up again. I am still cynical about men, I had my eyes opened with the W.A.A.F, the way the men treated
& talked about decent girls, I felt I despised all men. believe in you with all my heart, all my ideals & dreams and wrapped up in you, apart from you I don't trust any men darling. Now you know how I feel. I know I even doubted you too when you came home, but never again Alan.
My dear I will close now as my bed is calling me. Love me & think of me often. I love you my darling.
All my love.
Nancy xxxxxx

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