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hit it, I don't know how many times it has been almost healed and I have bumped it.

Darling don't worry about my eyes, you seem to be worried over them as you have mentioned them in two others of your letters. They don't give me much trouble, they are
strained from working on figures all day long. The glare or wind makes them smart but I don't get headaches or eye aches so they can't be too bad.

By the way I am in love with my engagement ring now & wouldn't want it changed, everyone says my rings are lovely & they are, both of them. Alan do you think we did the right thing by giving Ailsa the other one. It can't be compared with the one I have now, I love it, but what Mum & May said when they saw my new one worries me at times. Remember I said I wasn't sentimental, well I am, I would like to hear the minister say, "with this ring I thee wed". I wouldn't part with this white gold one though. Its what it
stands for is what counts so much isn't it Alan darling? That will always be sacred with us.

I am so sorry I misunderstood you re. the American, I know you didn't really mean you didn't trust me. You see in your prescious letter you told me you didn't trust them, well I thought if you trusted me you wouldn't have any occasion to entertain such thoughts. I shouldn't have read it that way, I know you are far above insinuating a thing like that, my apolgies my darling. Yes, I was cynical regards men & still am, you are the only man I have

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