lovers, told how they'd invited him to a party at their home. Arriving, he expected to be greeted by his host. He mingled with other guests a while & finally asked, "Where's Tom & his wife"? The reply to this query was more than anticipated: "They excused themselves a short time ago & retired to the bedroom. They weren't secretive about their intentions either. They'll return soon". Sure enough a short while later man & wife reentered, the glow of contentment plainly showing on their faces.
I read today poetry I've already written you in prose.
"Oh love why should we part if love be Ours why be defrauded of life's sweetest hours? Let us defy the gods and all their powers!"
I'm afraid I may defy the Gods but can't release myself from their snares.
While I'm quoting verse I have in mind an appropriate reply to the funnyman whose intellect asserts itself so childishly.
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