singing. Robby, my patrol officer colleague hushed my enraptured comments to listen too. I've raved over their strangely beautiful harmony till I guess your's believing me over-sentimental. But Nancy I'm appreciative of music & my moods are responsive to it as well. Their singing beggars description, yet i'll try & explain its beauty. Male, female Robeson basses, to Grace Moore's Soprano ^in ranges. They begin one blended note that's mistakable to a grand organ's. A select few then begin the melody to the choral accompanyment. And like an organ solo there is no break in the background of harmony. The melodies are very simple & short, even though, I can never memorise them. The shades of tone & pitch are so very subtle in their mixed chorals. Moreover it's so soothing on the senses I can seldom find the will to concentrate. I was first impressed with the Papuan choirs & now I find the New Guineas equal to it, yet there's no similarity whatsoever in their songs. It's a lost art with Europeans which to my mind is such a pity. I believe we fundamentally have lost our community instinct & are too individualistic. We
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