202 [circled]
My finger was infected again to-day but I have been bathing it & have it bandaged, I hope it is better to-morrow.
My hair is easily two inches below my collar now, it am letting it grow long for you darling. I know you like it that way & am doing it the same as the photo.
I have no inclination to enlist now Alan [...] you couldn't talk me into it, the thought of being miles away if you should come home turns me cold on it.
You didn't tell me what size shoe you take, I want to have everything you want waiting for you to step into it. I have been shopping for underpants for you & singlets, I havn't seen what I want yet.
Well my precious husband, everybody is ready for bed so I am going to say good night to you. My heart is crying out for you dear, I love you & have never loved anybody else. I am sure now you were always the only one for me, my heart always has been yours & is for now & always.
Tons of love my darling,
Your adoring wife,
Nancy xxxxxxx.
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