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Peggy Graham & Stan. Judy Garland in Me & My Gal was showing. One stage of the picture they were farewelling Judy's brother he had sailing orders, they all sang "Smile a while I kiss you said adieu etc" by the time they were half way through the song I was shedding crocodile tears & had to close my eyes I couldn't watch it any more. Peggy saw me crying & started to laugh because she was crying too. Then Zora, the girl who sang at our wedding was sitting behind us & we could hear her sobbing in our seat she was nearly breaking her heart, I was glad when interval came as that song sure got us. You know what I am like when I start crying. Alan darling it brought back memories, it was so sad. The second picture was a cow-boys, I had a good sleep, I hate cow-boys & indians.
I am going in to Rileys to-morrow to see if our photos are finished, I am just dying to see them, they should be lovely.
I believe Iris Shepherd is considering marriage this week. Only a fortnight ago I was over at Brooks, that is across the street from our building & she told me she was engaged, but wasnt being married till after the war. I guess she found out like myself she loved her man too much to wait till after the war. I told her she would never regret it if she loved him.
I bought my photo album from Iris. I have all
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