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Please excuse paper my pad has run out darling xxxx.

Brittania Street,
17th Oct, 1943.

My Own Darling,

It is Sunday night, has been raining all day, been very miserable, & I have been feeling low. I miss you a terrible lot Alan, if you only knew how much I wanted you to-day. To make things more miserable the most dreadful thoughts have been flashing through my mind. You know I havn't received a letter from you for days on end & I am really worried about you, if anything should happen to you darling I would be ever so bitter. It is so unfair you having to go back up there after being there thre years, it is a great war for some people, namely those army men sitting back in their padded chairs down here & letting the others do all the work for them. I have read articles in the "Truth", mothers & wives writing in complaining because there son & husbands have been in New Guinea, 18 months, I don't know what they will be doing when they spend three to four years there.

I read our astrology in "Truth" to-day, according to the stars my darling this is supposed to be a lucky month for both of us. I guess you don't believe in that, still it gives one a little hope sometimes.

Last night I went down to the Strand with

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