From No. Q52 Name. AE Hooper Lt
Unit. Angau New Guinea Forces
Date. Friday 15 Oct '43
My Darling Bride,
Today I got my discharge from hospital due to the M.Os leniency. The boredom and incoveniences of such places I hate very much. I have a new post at my old haunt that
promises ample leisure but few diversions such as picture shows or radios. Such rareties as concerts are found only in the biggest bases or in the sight of war correspondents. I think nevertheless I'll find contentment here my darling.
The mail situation is disappointing. You should never fear impatience from your husband, Nancy. He's patience personified since he must.
I'm enclosing a silhouette study of a beauty whose likeness I hope you appreciate. I credit you as such, especially when I compare the glorious hair with that of your swim - suit
photo a la blonde. Her figure is decidedly not unlike yours. All
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