from place to place. I've received none for three weeks. There'll be a Red Letter Day very soon I hope. I''ll be well enough to relish the cake you posted - it too should arrive with the mail.
I've neighter seen nor heard from Jeff for some time, but no news is good news.
I won't attempt my darling to write a long letter. You will forgive me for this won't you Nancy? My fingers are still pretty weak, & news is scarce.
How are you pet? Are your lovely eyes all right again? & are you reasonably happy? I have felt badly having no power to write before but I did not think & long for you a great deal. I love you intensely pet - that happy state isn't changeable fickle.
Sweet dreams & all my aching love
Your adoring husband
PS. I have only one envelope here Nance. One I addressed months ago.
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