From No. Q52 Name. Lt AE Hooper
Unit. Angau New Guinea Forces
Date. 13th Oct '43.
My Darling Beloved Wife,
I know you have been anxiously awaiting this letter after such a lapse of time. Since the beginning of the month I've been pretty near dead with dysentery. This is the first day I've felt well enough to write at all. I feel suddenly well & the pangs of hunger I can't satisfy, are nearly as distressing as the disease. The hospital here isn't the rest home I'd like it to be - it lacks the feminine touch; but it's a haven from responsibilities & worry. I only was admitted here a few days ago when the worst was ever. Another few short days will see me on duty again at this very place. It's my old old haunt.
There was an unpleasant half hour last night but I was too sleepy to take it seriously. You know how I die when I sleep and I'm doped up with drugs your letters have been chasing me
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