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I am going to make you a pair of pyjamas, white ones, as I can't get a coloured ^material. It is good quality & I will make them better than I ever made anything before. Yesterday I took your suit down & hung it out on the line in the sun. I think I will take it to the Dry Cleaners with my pink frock, so they will be like new next winter.

I am going over to see Margaret Vinnecombe's baby one day soon. May met her down Manly & both she & Jeanette are always asking me over to see their babies so I must go. I like them both. Is Owens heart still Margarets, or is he over that now? Rene Ede is also going to have a baby, really Alan I feel out of it, do hurry up & come home to me darling. We can't have our family by proxy.

Mrs. Gibson had a letter from Harold Senden & he says Jeff has had Dengue, but is much better now. I do hope he is alright, I remember you telling me how serious Dengue is.

Alan I am sure nothing could happen to you, but when I hear of the fevers all the lads are getting I worry a lot. Take care of yourself my darling, I want you more than ever before, I love you so much darling. Don't every doubt me regards my affections, my heart has a sealed lock on it & a brick wall around it & room for no more love inside but my love for you.

Some days I get pretty disgusted having to rise so early to go to work, 5 am. With the daylight saving in practice it is dark when I get up, and I have a shower & make myself busy getting dressed I soon forget about my bed. I turn in always.

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