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flew in & hit me on the head & landed in front of me. I landed on the floor, I fell off the chair with fright.

The Gibson third baby was christened yesterday it was a big affair, remember, they live opposite the phone box, English people. They are always asking after you, I travel home with him every night in the bus. To-night he insisted I go in & see her before coming over home so I obliged. I nursed the baby for a while & she made me a nice passion fruit drink. Alan I am a pretty good nursemaid. You know yesterday I stayed home cleaned up the house & looked after Jan while Mum & May went to the christening. He didn't cry once in three hours. May says you are uncle Jay because there must be some distinction between the two uncle Alans.

Your photo is alongside of mine on the wireless it makes mine look sick it is so well coloured. I can get our wedding proof photo in six weeks time. I am disappointed we can't have them coloured. I ordered three of the group, couldn't get a post card size of that. Then two large ones of you & I and a post card size for your wallet. I am hoping to collect the ones we had done at Rileys anytime now. One of those will be coloured. Do you think your mother would like a wedding photo? Maybe she wouldn't want it. I will wait till I hear what you think before I send one. Little Jeffie has been kissing your photo & at present it is a big smudge over the face, right on the lips. He is a lovely baby.

I have a draw in my dressing table set aside for our clothes, all ready to pack at a minutes notice when you come home.

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