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Brittania Street,
11. Oct. 1943.

My Own Darling Husband,

It seems ages since I received a letter from you although it is only a little over a week, & believe me I miss them terribly. You say I should realise how much my mail means to you, I do. I look forward to your letters so much & I know when I was in the W.A.A.F how despondent I would get if there was no mail for me.

You will be pleased to hear I am starting the dressmaking course at the Polytechnic. I went over to see them to-day & will be starting next week. Don't worry about the locality, the lesson lasts from six to eight & she told me all the girls leave to-gether.

I had a holiday from work on Saturday. I went over to Benjamns. He put me on to a good tonic my blood is out of order. I still have the head rash I hope it is soon better.

Alan I hope you are keeping well, you know I am always thinking about you & worrying. No matter what hour of the night I wake I instantly think of you. You say you plan for our future, well I do the same thing. You know darling I am becoming a real miser, I want to save as much as I can.

I got an awful fright about half an hour ago. I was trying to help Stan with his arithmetic & a big grasshopper

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