a day off, it makes one mad.
We have a M/Sgt in charge of our section now. [[?]] assistant chief clerk. The new chap is very conscientious, in fact too much so, what I would call a real crawler, & that is what everybody else calls him. He dosn't know what is going on in the office & has already asked me four times to detail my duties to him, but I am sure he still dosn't follow. I have a full time job there but he brings over typing for me to do all day long. Do you know I havn't had a minute to spare since he came, the trouble is I am right under his nose where I am sitting & am the handiest. So long as I get a rise within the next few pays I don't mind. I certainly do if it dosn't [sic] come along.
May was telling me tonight Olive has everything ready for her wedding in January and thinks Trevor has left Townsville as she hasn't heard from him for a fortnight. Poor Olive will be disappointed if he has gone further as goodness knows when she will see him again.
You know it is now October, you will soon be down again my darling & I am hoping the week will fly by. Do take care of yourself Alan, I hope you have received my parcels by the time this letter reaches you.
News is scarce so I am going to close now. Love me as you have always, I do love you Alan dear, now & always. Write to me as often as you can.
Your adoring wife
Nancy xxxxxxxxx
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