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Brittania Street,
8th Oct, 1943.

My Own Darling Husband,

No letter from you again to day, I guess I can't expect
my luck to hold good all the time. For the past fortnight I have received an average of a letter every day. Your letters are beautifully written Alan, how could I help but love you, you certainly do inspire me.

You know it is now after 9 o'clock and I am sitting down to write. I am worried about a rash I have in my head, I might stay home to-morrow & go over to the doctors. I am bathing it every night & putting boracis on it but it has spread over the scar & it is tender & sore. I have a lump behind my ear & one on the back of my head. I don't know if it is because of the rash or just glandular trouble. I am very worried about it, & hope it is nothing serious.

Sometime ago I bought a ticket in Tattersalls & only yesterday received a letter telling me I had won a consolation prize of a show ticket & to keep it up as my luck was in. Beleive me I was surprised as I didn't expect to hear any more about it as the ticket was bought when you were home. Wouldn't it be lovely if I was lucky enough to win, my banking account would then look neat.

Now I am staying home I am getting up at 5.15 every morning to catch my bus, with the daylight saving in practice it is dark when I rise. I can't even sleep in when I have

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