if I am going to reserve that delicious favour for birthdays only, well I may include Xmas. You would be then like your Drs patient. I am only teasing darling, you know me.
I like the sound of your friend, I am glad you have someone nice like that with you.
Even although the Mary you spoke of is 35, I am jealous of her. Jealous to think she is priviliged doing the things for you I am entitled to do, but of course I appreciate it as you can't be neglected.
Fancy having seven children. Darling just think of meal times with twins, it would nearly kill me to keep both of them going. Just picture it, will you? I would like one at a time, dont forget, a boy first. I know I will be thrilled whatever it may be, but I would love a boy.
Well Alan dear I must close now as everyone is going to bed. They all send their love. Think of me often as you are always with me in my thoughts day & night. I love you Alan darling, I am yours heart & soul, you know that, don't you.
Tons of love,
Your adoring wife
Nancy xxxxxxxxxxx
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