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that, I neglected to tell you I had given it up. The last one I had made me terribly sick, had it in the pictures and I came out in a cold sweat, I thought I would have to leave the show, that finished me for all time.

I am please to hear you are taking things easy, I was frightened what you may be going through at Salamau or Laea.

Don't part with the ring you are wearing, I am thrilled to bits about you wearing it on the second finger, left hand. I too will be proud when I look & see it there, you are a darling for remembering Alan I am really thrilled about it.

Also don't shave your moustach off you would look very handsome with one. Did you like it or at least do you, presuming you hasn't shaved it off.

Dad just told me to tell you to stick to New Guinea for a few years after the war. I will leave that you though, but if you are offered a good job I will come with you.

Alan I feel as bad, or worse, than you will feel telling you I didn't make your cake. The weekend I intended making it Mum couldn't get the fruit & the following week-end I had to work. Then it was too late for your birthday, but I didn't forget my promise. Just to bake you one I was going to do it this week-end, & still will, if my finger is better. Dont be mad with me Alan.

I did pray for you on your birthday, took a wish too, I guess it was the same as you wished darling. I woke in the early hours of the morning & the first thing that flashed through my mind was it was your birthday. Isn't that funny, wrousing from sleep & having that flash through my mind almost instantly. You ask me

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