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Keep quite

Brittania Street,
6th Oct. 1943.

My Own Darling Husband,

Yes, I am home again and I am happy again. I thought after being away in the W.A.A.F's I wouldn't notice it. All the things that have happened to me in my short stay in Brisbane.

I have never had so many things wrong with me in my life before. Alan my second finger right hand is now infected, I scrapped the skin off my knuckle & now it is very sore & has the white edge around it. I also have a scalp rash. Alan I am now sure there is something wrong with me, & am going to buy a good blood tonic to-morrow. The whole trouble is the Lymphatic glands or whatever you call them. I get a lump behind the ear, then on the back of the head, then behind the ear again, I have never been like this before, I can't blame married life, as we didn't have enough of it. I guess my blood is out of order. Apart from all my ailments I am looking A1. I wish you were home my
darling. I would be completly cured in five minutes I bet.

I am pleased to hear you received my letters. I knew I had written more than 18. In the past few weeks I havn't written so often. but will do so again now I am home. Don't think it was because I never gave myself time. I went out very seldom at night, between one thing & the other I couldn't rouse myself to do anything, between my sore throat & sore legs etc. all I felt like doing was resting & I did. By the way darling, I havn't got nicotine poisoning I have had two cigarettes since you left. I laughed at your suspecting

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