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He said he has been in action & had dystentry while on the march. He will feel more contented now that he has seen action. I am just praying that he will come on leave soon as it has been such a long lonely year with out him, and I feel that I will not be able to muster up enough courage to face another, if I dont see him soon. Does that sound cowardly & unpatriotic? I suppose it does, but I cant help it.

Little Jan is growing like a house on fire, and looks more like Jeffie every day. The other day I caught him with a box of matches, striking them one at a time. Fancy a little fellow of sixteen months getting up to such pranks.

I met your sister and her little daughter in town on Friday, and I couldn't get over the way Janice has grown. It doesn't seem any time since that day we went to visit them when she was only a few weeks old, & Jeff was so afraid to nurse her.

Wasn't it nice that you & Jeffie were to-gether for a little while? Jeff was absolutely delighted about it, and is very hopeful of you both getting to-gether again, especially on leave.

I have a poisoned finger Allan, and to make matters worse it is my right index finger. This is my third letter to-night and it is so painful that I will have to knock off soon.

Please write me again soon Allan and give my love to Jeffie, if you see him.

God bless you, & send you home to Nancy and us all soon.

Your loving sister, xxx
May xxxxxxx

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