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Lt AE Hooper
New Guinea Forces
Oct 1st 1943.

My Darling Beloved Wife,

This week has been barren of mail & the parcels I've been looking longingly forward to. We here, are all in the same predicament, due I guess to the policy of 'guns before letters'.

Today & yesterday I've been feeling pretty blue. Boredom no doubt is the cause. All my staff have gone, leaving me unusually lonely. One of my W.O's, the last to go, is one of the most interesting characters I've met. He's the odd English, or Scotch? gentleman type, & has lived in this country 40 years. I envy his education & personality. There are few actors as accomplished as this gaunt dignified old man. When he first came I gave him a quiet, easy responsibility. He struck me as the solitary type so I permitted him to build his house remote from mine & rarely spoke to him thereafter - Till I moved into this comfy house & then we saw much of each other. His distant manner finally thawed out as we found most of our ideas were in common. We played chess & I grew to be a good listener.

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