2. XX.
You ended your last letter rather abruptly, I hope everything is alright with you. I am anxiously awaiting your next letter, I do hope it arrives to-day.
I went to the pictures last night with Dawn, she works down here now, not in our office though. We went to see "Road to Morocco", Bing Crosby starred in it, it was a good picture. I thought of you lots of times during the evening, wishing you were here with me.
You know what I did yesterday. I am still looking for some really nice shirts for you. I have been to Pikes several times but wouldn't let you wear what they showed me. Yesterday I was passing there once again & there was a Colonel looking in there window right along side of me. Alan I am forever looking at Officers around town, only their shirts though, & it has been puzzling me where they got such lovely shirts. I [...] myself and asked the Colonel, he was ever so nice, & told me not to go to Pikes. Told me to try T.C.Burnes, but also told me in the Officers shop in Townsville you can get good quality ones. I will have a look in T.C's & if there's nothing there, what do you advise I do regards Townsville. Will I send your coupons on, or do you think it would be satisfactory writing to them. I am not going to have you wearing rubbish, the best for the best darling.
Yes Alan we will go to Binna Burra when you come home. I havn't been able to find out about the service
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