me behind until I feel quite homesick. I lose my cook but it's like losing your right arm. He's made himself so indispensible frankly I don't know how I can resign myself to a less competent boy. He's spoilt me with attentiveness.
I received two letters yesterday pet and I want to set your mind at rest by saying I do trust you & always will. If what I wrote read like an inference, I implore you to interpret it differently. If doubts lurked in my mind I'd be inclined to despise myself very much - such would be a contemptable insult to you. It was a dangerous subject for me to mention, but I've heard & seen so much of 'their' code of behavior I'm suspicious of them all, though of them only. I hadn't the conciet to imagine I was telling anything you didn't already know - I merely sook to remind you of it. I'm not prone to worry, in fact I'm almost immune by necessity to it. Such things as I wrote of
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