From No. Q52 Name. Lt AE Hooper
Unit Angau, New Guinea Forces
Date September 25th 1943
My Darling Wife,
I'm afraid Alan has been too busy to write for a few days past & perhaps a little neglectful. Another fortnight will see the death of this pretty little bay & the ridges, but I doubt if I'll be here to see it. I'm satisfied enough to see it go back to the native inhabitants. There'll be no Fitzpatrick farewell on my lips as I head out to sea. Present speculations as to my next command leads me to believe I'll see my old old dream home. It's a move in the right direction. I've an outboard of my own now so the trip will be really pleasant.
Quasimera & his one-talks have been signed off. They'll return to live a normal existence, procreate, and make love. They way they're reacting to the joyful news is happiness I can't share in. They commiserate & show sorrow at leaving
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