Margaret Vinnicombe has a little son, I can't imagine
Margaret as a mother.
I went home on the bus with Joan Smith one night. She was married just previous to us & she is thrilled darling, she is expecting a baby. Her husband is a Lieut too. We talked all the way home. She told me she went to Binna Burra & it is an ideal place for a honeymoon. They had a log cabin & she said we would love it. I think we will go there darling for your next leave, wouldn't a log cabin be cosy & private. No-body in the next room listening to hear if you are laughing & other noises, such as the Davies & everybody else were doing at Maroochydore.
Don't worry about me not taking care of myself. I will be just the same when you return. Fay told me the other day I was getting prettier, so console yourself darling, I will always take care of myself.
Olive is being married in January. She is going to Townsville with Trevor. Rita is terribly run down, one of the girls from her office told me why a couple of nights ago. It appears she is keeping company with a married man a middle aged chap. She is runed now if she wasn't before.
Well my darling I will close now. I will write you more frequent this week.
Turn over
Tons of Love,
Nancy xxxxxxxxxxx
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